Farm Fence & Ranch Rail Installation Near Waukesha
Ranch Rail
Ranch rail is a popular option for fencing on a large country lot or horse farm. It provides an economical solution to keep horses or other animals safely contained. Ranch rail is available in multiple styles and your choice of wood or vinyl.
Vinyl Ranch Rail Fences
Vinyl Ranch Rail has several benefits when compared to wood. We will touch on some of the pros and cons associated with both. Vinyl is maintenance-free, never needs to be painted or sealed, and offers a very clean modern feel to your property. It will not rot like wood will over time, but it also does not possess the durability of wood.
Wood Ranch Rail
A great option for enhanced durability, wood ranch rail fences will last 25+ years easily. It is not uncommon to see them last much longer than that. They can be painted to match surrounding barns or buildings. Repairing them is easy and cheaper than vinyl. You can customize the style of the fence to your liking much easier than with vinyl.
Barbed Wire Fence
No matter if you need 100′ or 5 Miles of barbed wire fence, Milwaukee Fence Finders can get it done for you. Contact us today to inquire about barbed wire fences.