Local Fence Installation Services
If the question is can we do it… the answer is probably, yes.
Fencing Repairs
Fence Installation
Fence removal
When replacing or removing an existing fence the demolition process is very labor intensive, MFF provides ecomonical solutions.
Fence Damage Repairs
Stone fence repair
Stone and brick fences and retaining walls are just as susceptible to damage as other traditional style fences. When you need to repair a stone fence, let Milwaukee Fence Finders help.
Chain link fence repair
If your chain link fence has been damaged don’t worry! We’ll work with you to devise the best solution for your situation.
Wood Fence Repair
Wood fences get damaged every day, don’t hold back from enjoying your fenced backyard because of a little damage. Milwaukee Fence Finders will provide all the information needed to have your fence repaired for an affordable price!
Vinyl Fence Repair
Wisconsin’s winters take a toll on vinyl fences, which can become brittle in the winter months. If your vinyl fence has been damaged, let MFF help you find the perfect solution for your vinyl fence repair.
New fence installation near milwaukee
Cedar fence installation
The beauty of a western red cedar fence is unmatched in many’s eyes. Don’t let sub-par Milwaukee fence contractors talk you out of the fence of your dreams. A quality wood fence is just around the corner with the help of Milwaukee Fence Finders.
Chain link fence installtion - commercial & residential
Wrought iron & ornamental fence installation
Vinyl Fence installation
Why Choose US
Satisfaction Guarantee
A One-Stop Shop
Free Consultation
Call Us: (414) 364-7563